The Dragon's Trove will be happy to sell high end RPG products for you. 150 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS SKINLESS ONE, THE with the Red Mosque in Istanbul remaining the cults seat of power. Some depict a monstrous amorphous bulk while others suggest a vaguely anthropoid outline, although all share a grand corpulence. If the texts are to be believed, one person (sometimes named as Francesca Creux) was touched by Azathoth, an event that granted her the ability to empty a persons mind and allow a sliver of Azathoth to fill the void. Few will ever meet Tawil atUmr, although its manifestation may be more likely if journeying through the Dreamlands. Dream Contact: anyone who has experienced contact with Cthulhu in some form (dreams, artifacts, and so on) may be contacted by Chorazin. She takes many forms, but always regal and dazzling. Other names: Dark Hungerer, the Shunned One, KsaksuKluth, Seed of Azathoth, Zazlu-Coluth. Aura Grab (mnvr): target is held and then, on the following round, gripped and strangled (1D6 damage per round) or pulled into its mass to be crushed (6D6 damage). Other names: Abundant Watcher, the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young, Dark Mother, Lord of the Wood, Magna Mater, Shol-Nurg-At. Star Messages (Boston, 1878) by Clarence Fosters includes a section that many scholars attribute to the authors firsthand experience of an encounter with Tulzscha. Debate rages among certain scholars as to whether the rash of Crystal Man sightings reported coming out of Bolivia in 1908 are connected to Longbridge, who some presume did indeed become one with Qyth-az. Hence, Azathoths influence varies in size and scope. Its mysterious nature tends to perplex those who encounter it. Certainly, a sense of otherworldliness is likely, and possibly confusion as ones eyes and mind try to configure this being into a rational shape and sense. Contains plenty of monsters with detailed descriptions and amazing artwork. Serious scholars recognize the taint of wishful thinking within these texts, which fails to capture the truth behind this enigmatic Elder being; however, within such fantastical descriptions, there does lie the seed of truth. Yibb-Tstll causes great debate among scholars, with differing viewpoints often at odds with one another. CHILD OF YIG The children of Yig, or the sacred of Yig, are large snakes that bear Yigs mark on their heads, that of a white crescent. Possible Blessings Divine Physicality: some are blessed with physical changes, with parts of their bodies reshaped to take on aspects of Tsathoggua, such as furry skin, misshapen toad-like heads, or strange limbs. This is not the case for this set of books. Nodens appears to some as a jailer, tasked with limiting the power and reach of the Old Ones, or else interfering with the machinations of the Outer Gods. certain alien properties that changed these once-humans into something other, although generational expansion and mingling have potentially reduced the impact of this Mythos taint in the modern-day, with many who might possess a degree of tcho-tcho heritage unaware and unaffected. bullets). STR 270 CON 225 SIZ 340 DEX 70 Hit Points: 56 Damage Bonus (DB): +7D6 Build: 8 Move: 3 Combat Attacks per round: 1 per available target (pseudopod, bite, or swallow) or 1 (crush) May use pseudopods to strike or grab, use its bulk to crush, or bite or swallow. Nightgaunts: always accompanied by 1D100+10 nightgaunts, of which 1D10 may be directed to do Yibb-Tstlls bidding (the others consumed with drinking its black milk). Each round, call for a CON roll, once this has been failed, the character begins to take 2 damage per round until they depart the area; once at half hit points, the character falls unconscious due to heat exhaustion and smoke inhalation if a Hard CON roll is failed. Touch: living cells physically touched by the Old Ones appendages are transformed into solid mineral formations if an Extreme POW roll is failed. The information within is designed to bring the creatures and bizarre races of the Cthulhu Mythos to life at the gaming table, as well as all manner of Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Avatars, and Unique Beings. As well as bite and claw, Bast has the usual range of attacks open to humanoids. Shining Trapezohedron: the Haunter of the Dark is intimately connected with this ancient and alien artifact known as the Shining Trapezohedron. Thats fine if you want your game to rapidly end, but, for most, forcing such combats will not be satisfactory. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: SHUDDE MELL STR 450 CON 400 SIZ 600 DEX 75 Hit Points: 100 Damage Bonus (DB): +12D6 Build: 13 Move: 8 / 10 burrowing Combat Attacks per round: 1D4+4 (tentacles) or 1D4 (grab) or 1 (smash) May use its tentacles to bash, attacking with 1D4+4 tentacles (6D6 damage), may grab and then crush or drain up to 1D4 opponents, or use its bulk to smash and pound once per round. Of course, here the legend becomes problematic: if one cannot look upon the god without suffering petrification, how can a person then carve an accurate effigy? Where Psychoanalysis is not available (such as in earlier historical periods), five days of calm along with a successful Hard POW roll may be substituted. The best and most quoted example is believed to derive from the Necronomicon, which suggests a large and amorphous entity, not unlike a greater cousin of the earthly shoggoths. Known human cults operate in the Severn Valley area, specifically in the cities of Brichester and Camside. Flash: emits a wave of dazzling white light in a 360-degree arc, with all within 10 yards/meters required to attempt a combined CON and POW roll or suffer 1D4 damage as the light rips into their flesh and causes painful burns. As they form from unknowable alien and cosmic minds, it is possible for one beings avatars to conflict or work in opposition, as each is self-governing to some degree, although rarely do one beings avatars interact or meet. Indeed, those unaware of their tcho-tcho heritage are said to be unconsciously drawn to idols of the deity and may come to realize their bloodline through proximity with such carvings (the psychic resonance or actual mental link with Chaugnar Faugn through its idols acting to bring consciousness to the unconscious). View the latest uploaded digital magazines, online catalogs, digital brochures, and more on AnyFlip. These rolls illustrate the internal struggle taking place within the targets mind. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: SEBEK STR 265 CON 325 SIZ 95 (125*) DEX 125 Telekinesis: can manipulate matter within 60 yards/meters at a cost of 5 magic points to create a telekinetic force equivalent to STR 10 (further multiples of 5 magic points increase the STR by 10 points). 78 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Encounters dreams begin (POW roll per night: if failed, results in 1D4 Sanity loss but grants 1D3 Cthulhu Mythos points). If reduced to zero hit points, Yidhras coherence loses stability, its flesh dissolving into pools of fetid matter. By answering these questions, you form a picture of the entity, allowing you to then specify certain characteristics and abilities. An inner darkness conceals the rotting core of corruption of mind, body, and spirit. When fighting against another Mythos cult, some may believe that, by contacting Nodens, the deity will aid them in their fight. This confusing state of allegiances or hereditary connections is, not surprisingly, commonplace within humanitys understanding of such cosmic beings, which is always limited and unable to grasp what are essentially unknowable concepts. Encounters with Yig are likely to convey a sense of ancient wisdom combined with a deep loathing for something quite alien and unhuman. There is no easy formula for designing a Mythos god. Sometimes, her persona is dictatorial, while at others she plays the role of an innocent who only wishes to have fun. The end result is virtually always the same, ending with her followers committing crimes against society (which grow in severity) and a murderous reign of terror. During the 17th century, the entity came to Earth and has returned numerous times thereafter. The character of such groups varies wildly, from the debased and primal to intellectual and calculated. *Entity is probably destroyed, but reforms in 1D10 minutes and is now radioactive. Originally an inhabitant of the planet Shaggai (or a captive of the shan), Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg departed that world when it was destroyed by Ghroth. Sometimes it offers passage, sometimes it asks or gives answers, and sometimes it observes, watching without acknowledgment. A shard of metal delivers 2D6 damage, with a base range of 40 yards/meters. Thus, manifold versions of this dream-reception exist, and all have virtually the same effect upon sensitive minds: an awareness of awesome and terrifying vistas of experience, meaning, and implacable intent from the dead and dreaming Cthulhu. Mundane weapons are destroyed after an initial strike (see Corrosion and Toxicity); note that while bullets are affected, they deal their normal damage being single strike weapons. 140 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Possible Blessings Kn-yanian worshippers may find they are transported into the black sun to momentarily join with their deities; most return severely changed by the experience. In folklore, such offspring have often been described as changelings (theWechselkind of German lore, the Boginki of Poland, and the Bortbyting of Scandinavian legend, to name but three), with such unexpected births attributed to fairies and evil spirits. It is thought that communities of deep ones offer sacrifices to Zoth-Ommog alongside Cthulhu. All seem to comply with the notion that these entities are perpetually joined together, unable to separate until their decreed time. It reforms in 1D10 years. The embrace may include a physical visitation of the Old One, hearing and being affected by its howl, or receiving an item blessed by the entity. MPN. Humans will feel the hairs on the backs of their necks stand up and a mounting sense of anxiety. Combat Attacks per round: 1D4+1 (tentacles) or 1 (grab, crush) Uses tentacles to strike or grab opponents. The mouth was toothless and maw-like, while its face contained no eyes, and the skin overall was festooned with curious growths, boils, and other lumps. Powers Telepathy: with no mouth, the avatar communicates by mental messaging, which may also take the form of dream messages. Ancient secrets, whispered lore, and collected facts concerning the alien and otherworldly horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. Designed for 5th Edition Pendragon. Sandy Petersen: Azathoth, Bast, Cthugha, Cthulhu, Dagon & Hydra, Daoloth, Gla'aki, Hastur, Hypnos, Ithaqua, The Messenger of the Old Ones, Nodens, Nyarlathotep, Nyogtha, Shub-Niggurath, Shudde Mell, Tsathoggua, Ygolonac, Yig, Yog-Sothoth. Sanity Loss: 1D4/2D6 Sanity points. Those within 100 yards/ meters may be drawn in as well should they fail a DEX roll (those behind structures may be safe). If so, ask for a Luck roll from all, with the worst (highest) signifying who should attempt a Dodge roll to avoid instant death. For those caught out in the open, allow Luck and/ or Dodge rolls to avoid the worst of the storm, with damage ranging from 1 to 1D3 points to 1D6 to 4D6, depending on the form and situation. Lilith, queen of lies Sanity Loss: no loss for encountering Lilith in human guise; 1D4/1D10 loss for encountering its monstrous or true forms. Some cult groups have close connections to the deep ones, who can be viewed as the largest non-human cult devoted to Cthulhu. Direct encounters with Saaitii are possible, should the entity be summoned, somehow unearthed deep in the ground while it sleeps, or called to temporarily run free and feed. Although long-lived, the cult remains relatively small and insular. The religious seeds of this deitys worship appear to have been flung everywhere, with cults devoted to Groth-Golka appearing in Africa, South America, and in the Arctic Circle. In remote areas, whole communities or tribes may be Cthulhu worshippers, unaware they are a cog in the grand mechanism of Cthulhus dreams.

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