Moores proposed plan for Maryland so far is a unique combination of the service year programs that have come before it. Click the photo to find out the truth! ECOCHIP is as efficient as chips in reducing fuel consumption and costs when compared to similar products. Your vehicle's OBD-II port is connected to the computer in your car. what a f****n sham. A generous gift in any amount helps us continue to bring you this service. The fuel saver looks slightly less phony than the vaxxx. The best value deal includes Buy Two Effuel and Get another Effuel for free! As mentioned on my blog post about the Ecobox fuel-saver, independent analysis from professionals and amateurs determined, after dissecting several of these OBD2 fuel savers, that theres no actual connection and communication between the device and your cars ECU. Utilize a vehicle's ECU (electronic control unit) power for Nitro OBD2, increasing horsepower and torque outputs. It was 8 percent complete anyway and was years away from coming online. It wont improve the engine performance of your car or its quality.10 Feb 2022, No, the Ecotune OBD2 plug-and-play fuel saver does not work, is programmed to play a convincing sequence of LED lights, and is a waste of your time and money.Oct 7, 2021, You can increase your vehicles fuel efficiency and performance by plugging Ecochip into your vehicle. You guys just dont understand the point; the real problem here is that it messed up his dam pants! A vacuum gauge is a simple mechanical gauge, hooked into the manifold with some tubing. Others, like adding acetone to fuel, are plausibleat least if you don't know a lot about chemistry or physics. and provides a profit (pursuit of a better life) for those who work and innovate and create opportunity for those who seek it. Its worth noting that these recent spikes in gas prices are mostly a short-term affect of demand outpacing supply. ECO OBD2 reduces fuel consumption and costs just as much as chips when compared with similar products. DELETED, [] As Ive clarified in a previous blog about the same device with a different name, dozens of people have already bought these OBD2 devices, broke them apart, and confirmed there is no communication between the device and your engine. You r the smartest person ive heard say anything in ages its great to know someone else hasnt been hypnotized! To the author of this article. Yes, built-in warning indicators let a driver know if anything is wrong with the engine's internal processes. I can speak from personal experience. Lets engineer term limits at the ballot box by voting out incumbents every election cycle to dismantle capitalist cronyism. And for all of the anti-***** geniuses who are now screaming about how its *****s base who are the anti-vaccination people, I would like to take you back to a time where B**** and ****** were both talking **** about the v****** saying they would never take it cuz T*** had something to do with it are now pushing it like heroin dealers. Now theres a trustworthy source, not! Its easy to reverse these changes and then just remove them from your port. by Olivia Pope | May 22, 2022 | Sponsored Content | 0 |. If I might ask, where did you see these fuel savers advertised? Moores PSC nominee. Yeah, no. There are all sorts of reasons why such pre-set chips are factory installed and for some vehicles and years, you can purchase expensive replacements that do work, and on the same premise as these cheap China chips are claiming. It took around $3 to fill up my 1960 VW bug that by the way had a 1200 cc or 72.7 ci 4 cylinder 36 hp motor that got 40 mpg and would eventually get up to a top speed of 90 mph. The promises of this device are simply not possible, or even plausible. Golly Gee! This chip also comes in the class of OB2 chips and you can get the genuine product on the. basically the use of petrol is a scam so you will waste money on your gas. I dont think its as much BS, as it is sarcasm. From 2016-2017, the trend stalled out. There's an art and a science to driving for the best obtainable economy. The EcoPlus Review is rated 4.9 out of 5.0 by numerous customers who have used it recently. Does the Ecotune OBD2 Fuel-Saver actually work? Sharing their work or suggesting similar fake products to review/write/vlog about would also probably be appreciated. Wrong! 2. Step 4ECO The OBD2 has a reset button. This device is a load of c**p! The real reason youre seeing ads for fake fuel savers now, more than ever, is that gas prices are at record highs. This user-friendly device has most of the same scan-tool and trip-computer functions but uses a color organic LED display instead of a simple alphanumeric readout. You are making an assumption that people like this have even the slightest interest in the truth. How about YOU learn a little basic economics before you shoot off your ignorant mouth? All Rights Reserved. Remapping the fuel table requires actually doing something with the fuel tables. And fuel consumption is something an economic-conscious car owner looks out for in a new vehicle. Here's why. It is connected to the OBD2 connector of a vehicle and this OBD2 connector is found around the driver's side. Effuel will not damage your vehicles engine, nor will it affect your cars ECU in any significant way. I actually blogged about the exact same OBD2 fuel saver, under a different name, earlier last month. Take a momentary break guys please?I have something for all of you to consider that for some unknown reason were not hearing in the prominent headline news but once considered is simple to judge true.Though i believe global warming is simply a cycle our planet goes through occasionally. The EcoPlus is easy to use. It is claimed to increase vehicle fuel economy by up to 25% through power conditioning of the vehicles electrical systems, but Consumer Reports detected no difference in economy or power in tests on ten separate vehicles, finding that the device did nothing but light up. I used to believe all the hype about human cause was paranoid reasoning.But Im 62 years old and a California native living in southern California since 1968 and Ive never felt heart like this so continually here. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',112,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-112{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. I guarantee your economy will improve, even if you're not consciously trying to drive carefully. trump is a liar, bigot, racist criminal and the biggest waste of humanity ever. Step 5 Let go of your hand and wait for another 30-60 seconds. Its easy for anyone to install, works within minutes, and can significantly improve the performance of your vehicle.7 May 2021. Fuel saver OBD2 devices are only programmed to display a flashy LED show. Great Product!!. So I tried this and because my trucks heat hasnt been working have been able to drive truck when its been very code. It also highlights the failures of our laws to protect everyday citizens who cannot afford these financial insults many of of whom probably need the advertised 30% savings. If youre new to fuel-saving devices, these types of plug-and-play electronics have been sold to gullible car owners for years. This deal costs only $59.97 along with free delivery and a guarantee of results. How do they get by with total BS on a product like this. The Nitro OBD Performance Chip Tuning Box is a highly affordable option for vehicle owners looking for a device that encompasses performance, affordability, and endurance. And will be easy to take us over perhaps by China by sheer population advantage. You have been listening to your buddy trump and all the crazy blogs that are put out there. The EcoPLus adjusts itself to your car, after about 150 miles (200 km) of driving (road total), and it keeps remapping the engines control unit to reduce fuel consumption. You don't need a scanner to do this, though. So it raises the questions of is the first one for $5 a scam against the other claimed possible scam, or even is one a scam and the other one not? It actually set off several lights on my dash. No, the Ecotune OBD2 plug-and-play fuel saver does not work, is programmed to play a convincing sequence of LED lights, and is a waste of your time and money. There's a downside to most of these original-equipment gauges: They're mounted low on the instrument panel, and they tend to be small. All I know is Birds arent real. The engine's intake manifold is under negative pressure almost all the time when the engine is turning. Keystone was never designed or going to supply the US oil for its refineries. Before I could unplug it I was in vertical take off and in now time at all I was leaving Earths Atmosphere and on my way to Mars! So, I bought a scammy ODB fuel saver off EBay for 3 Euro, ripped out the PCB, and replaced it with a 5V regulator. Next, their success story from Paul, the cab driver uses a photo owned by the Boston Globe (story linked here.) Albeit its size, it is very efficient in reducing fuel consumption. Replace your battery cables and engine ground strap. The EcoOBD2 Plug and Drive EcoOBD2 chip are very effective and beneficial for Benzine fuel saving.Effuel will not only help you save fuel and money, but it has also other benefits such as: You can notice that the car will save fuel up to 15% to 35% easily. The ECO OBD2 chip is a small, compact, and lightweight device that you can plug into your OBD2 port. I specifically remember it as it was the same day my engine blew up. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tiremeetsroad_com-box-4','ezslot_2',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tiremeetsroad_com-box-4','ezslot_3',109,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-box-4-0_1');.box-4-multi-109{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Now if the gas company raises the price of gas that is in the the tanks at the gas stations now 8 or 10 cents because of the cost of a barrel of oil goes up nothing is done about it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If this device or others like it actually worked, themanufacturers would use independent testing companies to test them. The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. Green Matters is a registered trademark. But we have to do this America!! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tire Meets Road is a car blog focusing on car news and useful information you won't find anywhere else. He can also monitor hundreds of engine parameters while the car is driven, giving him insight as to what a problem might be. I'm sure the same phenomenon is what's responsible for the actual fuel-economy increases reported by the thousands of people who are wasting money on bogus gadgets. Certainly more than you would drive in a few days. In addition to cutting down on fuel consumption, Ecoplus fuel saver saves fuel without changing anything, unlike other fuel-saving devices that tamper with your cars settings. This is a fact. The oil companies are the biggest price gougers in the US. etc, make an e-commerce website, and then buy a bunch of advertising all over the internet to lure people in with insane promises like reducing fuel consumption by 55%. They couldnt give it away! Based on the data and our analysis, we believe that a significant portion of the remaining excess deaths are driven by deferred medical care and individuals who recover from C***D but later die from the toll C***D has taken on their bodies.. I called today 60 days out asked for a refund. With our allies becoming scarce I dont think 400 million will have a chance. Most people are worried about ever-rising monthly expenses. They have to divide us before they can conqueror us. - Alt Car news,, What happens if you put ketchup in your gas tank? Placement of various other things is different from the second unit, although from outward appearances, both are identical. I also filled up gas tank when I plugged in so will see if mileage increases any. Ecochip claims that their chip can reduce fuel consumption by up to 35% Simply plug the chip in, and it will analyze your driving habits. So when the US suddenly is BUYING on the world market instead of SELLING, that means more demand and less supply. Some BMW cars have a vacuum gauge already built into the instrument panelbut it's cleverly calibrated not in inches of vacuum, but in miles per gallon. In a nutshell, EcoFuel is a filter that can be installed on any vehicle, plane, or boat. You are the exact type of person trump and the republicans want, mindless idiots who get their news from hannity, tucker carlson, laura ingraham, britrebart news; then they vote for real nut jobs to be in congress like, lauren bobert, matt gaetz, marjorie taylor green. Its a similar story with, this site was created in June 2021. Doing actual research (like the 5 seconds it took me to google it) is too much work. Now this can get a bit tricky as each car is different and has different locations for the OBD2 port. Clearly Ecotune is dropping a lot of money on ad space recently. Just hang around until about 2026 and watch the population of the USA drop to just 60 million souls left alive, the majority children under 9 years old. It was recommended by a friend and it has worked really well and has shown positive results. Not to mention the 100,000s of reported injuries. Thank you for doing this! The official website of this chip mentions. I love it., I have searched for an efficient way to reduce my fuel consumption and even went as far as taking some economical driving lessons until I found the EcoPlus. I dont normally reply to peoples comments on these types of sites but yours I simply cant resist, and all I can really say is this YOU ****I*G A ARE 100 AND 10% CORRECT. I would give anything in the world to see your statement become a reality and if you ever decide to run for president then know this, you have at least one guaranteed vote from me. A lot of heavy equipment, trucks and most piston-engined aircraft have a vacuum gauge on the dash. Hmm, I wonder why your comments look like that? He has no real job experience. This device can no more lock up your brakes than alter your fuel consumption. ), A not-so-known secret these fuel saver device makers dont want you to know is these OBD2 dongles are mass produced and available for wholesale from China, easily purchased on sites like,, or even Overall, Effuel works similarly to other OBDII performance chips sold online today. Thinking that Spike Protein isnt harmful is whats stupid. As opposed to paying our ENEMIES for our fuel at crazy inflated prices. Usually, these folks have heard about some miraculous gadget that claims to improve fuel economy. CASE 03 OBD grameen bank: case of applied business ethics the issue of third world poverty is one which is rarely far from western headlines, sometimes as the Click the photo to find out the truth! ECO OBD2 device is an innovative product designed to reduce fuel consumption and enhance driving performance while on the road. Plug the EcoPlus device into the OBD2 connector of your car, turn on the ignition for 30 seconds and then turn on the engine. And just as the advertisement accompanying this thread goes, pouring a pint of Coca-Cola into your tank will give you 400 miles to the gallon! Think this is an AE86? Simple facts, he also destroyed plans for a pipeline that could of supplied all of Europe. A fuel saver can be very effective for your car and the EcoPlus is the best in terms of how efficient it is when compared to others in the market. You get a discount on the website when you buy one or multiple units of the EcoPlus units you purchase, the more you save on each one. A ruling from the Supreme Court against the White Houses student debt relief program could impact more than 800,000 Maryland student loan borrowers who are currently eligible for relief according to data from the federal Department of Education. It doesnt even make sense the it could work on all cars always. Get yours now and start saving big on your fuel usage. My point is the gas companies wanted to raise the gas prices more than a couple of cents which in those days they wouldnt dare do. Hurry before the big corporates buy me out. Therefore I must be wrong, right? Install it in any vehicle and you once the engine stops, you will be using ZERO fuel. Eco typically reduces throttle response, for milder acceleration, while shifting earlier, keeping the engine rpm lower to conserve fuel. The EcoPlus fuel saver does not require any maintenance or servicing once installed and it works efficiently to reduce fuel consumption. Tire Meets Road is a car blog focusing on car news and useful information you won't find anywhere else. Hence the Keystone Pipeline that Biden stopped immediately! We see the price increase instantly at the pump on gas that is already in the stations storage tanks! This is AMERICA we can drive what we want, go to Russia if u dont like it. Ecoplus will recognize your driving habits and your vehicle after 150 miles then adjust itself to suit your car perfectly for more fuel saving. The more you drive, the map is renewed thus keeping the cars fuel consumption optimized for your driving style. * ******** ** *** ********* ***** ****, Biden is to blame. These changes can be reversed and removed from your port. You are just like this post, A HUGE JOKE!!! TransCanada (now TC Energy), shut down the pipeline, not Biden. It is super easy to introduce it to a car, and its function has no effect on the overall car. I bought several and installed it on my cars, after filling up my Cadillac I then drove it and after 50 miles of driving I had to pull off by the side of the roadway and cipher 5 gallons of gas from the car due to the gas overflowing from my tank.I learned that if you fill your gas tank up to full mark and after driving 50 miles you will have to remove some of the gasoline to keep it from overflowing your gas tank. Although theyre sold under different names, with unique packaging and have fancy websites, these style of OBD2 fuel savers are pretty much all scams and should be avoided at all costs. Ecoplus fuel saver will recognize your driving habits and vehicle type and adjust accordingly to match those specifications.

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